sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011



Garth Ennis is quoted as saying, regarding the opportunity to direct a film,  “I’ve been thinking about it for a number of years now, ever since the interest in a Preacher film became more solid, and the options on it and The Boys were picked up. I’ve written screenplays and treatments for things like Crossed, but I haven’t really devoted myself to a film project before, not the way I have with Stitched. I’ve always loved movies; my comics are much more heavily influenced by film and TV than they are by other comics. So having a go at this seems quite natural.”

“Stitched began as little more than a series of images, really – three little figures stumbling across a barren landscape, exhausted people struggling to survive, blood on the rocks of the mountains, and lots of frantic, close-in combat.”

Bleeding Cool.

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